Privacy Policy

At OGacc, we respect your privacy. In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, we have enhanced our Privacy Policy and encourage you to read it before submitting any personal data to us through our site.

Information We Collect

For all visitors to our site, we collect aggregated information on pages viewed including IP address, timestamps. For customers, we additionally collect name, email address; and information required to sell goods.

For buyers who buy something that is delivered by OGacc we collect information relating to any transactions recorded by us or returned by the payment gateway. We do not record buyer card or bank details.

Legal basis

Billing information is recorded as it is necessary to comply with our contractual obligations when providing our service to customers.

We process information about our visitors for the legitimate business interests of developing our site to ensure a better experience for our visitors. We also obtain registration information based on the legitimate interest of business administration. When processing your personal data for our legitimate interests, we take appropriate measures to ensure that the interests we pursue are balanced with your interests, rights and freedoms.

With your consent, we may use your personal data to send you marketing materials, except as otherwise permitted by applicable law.


The data recorded is used for the following purposes:

  1. to respond to your enquiry, ask a question, contact you about your request or other reasons related to offering and improving our services;
  2. provide checkout capabilities on our site;
  3. to enable us to communicate with you;
  4. to protect against, identify and help prevent fraud, unauthorized activity, claims and other liabilities, and to fulfil our legal and financial obligations.

Your personal data is not shared or sold, in raw or aggregate form, unless either required by law officials (subject to our Terms and Conditions). We have no relationships with ad server companies.

If we plan to use the personal data that you provide to use for any other purpose, we will let you know what this purpose is and our legal basis for doing so.


A cookie is a text file that websites send to a visitor’s computer to uniquely identify the visitor’s browser or to store information or settings in the browser. Cookies may use your IP address, timestamps, logins. Information collected from cookies is used by us to evaluate the effectiveness of our website, analyse trends, and administer our website. This allows us to determine such things as which parts of our website are most visited and difficulties our visitors may experience in accessing our website.

We use cookies to analyse our site performance (via Google Analytics). These cookies record session information on the device you're using to access our website.

For cookies that are essential, your consent is not required. For the use of the other types of cookies described in this policy, we do ask you for your consent when you first visit our website. You can withdraw your consent or remove these cookies at any time via your browser preferences. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and remove them, visit To explore what cookie settings are available to you, look in the "preferences" or "options" section of your browser's menu.

Data Collection and Storage

OGacc collects personal data and stores it securely. We also use third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary equipment required to run the service. Specifically: Google Analytics. We have contracts in place with our third party vendors that require them to use personal data only as necessary to perform services on our behalf and to implement appropriate security measures as required by law.

Retention and Withdrawal

We retain your personal data as long as needed for the purposes for which we collected it, plus a reasonable period to take into account the applicable statute of limitation period or to comply with legal requirements.

Data Security

We protect your personal data which we collect and store by implementing administrative, technical and physical security measures. These measures ensure an appropriate level of security and confidentiality for your personal data.


This policy may be periodically updated. Any changes will be notified by email or by a message on the service seen when you first login. Please review carefully before submitting personal data to our site. The date the policy was last updated is indicated at the top of this page.